One mom explains why a Charlotte Mason education style calls to her:
…we are continually prompted to turn over the stone of the “dry fact” to discover the miraculous community of living ideas that lay beneath it. ..
“In embracing the Charlotte Mason motto “an atmosphere, a discipline, a life”, we are continually prompted to turn over the stone of the “dry fact” to discover the miraculous community of living ideas that lay beneath it.
I love that the Charlotte Mason method places such a high priority on both the natural world and the ideas that spring from it. My children are discovering that learning, like the ocean, is as deep and far-reaching as you care to go.
Everyone in our family loves to read, so you can imagine my excitement when I happened upon a homeschooling method that doesn’t just encourage my children to read, but actually empowers them to *think* about what they are reading, and to apply it to the task of honoring God’s world and those who live in it.”